Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hank Williams Jr. -- Da Blues Man -- Keep The Change & Kiss His A$$

The video abovd is one of my favorites .... Gimme 3 Steps - Skynard & Williams  -- you'll want your dancing shoes on for this one. 

Hey Baby I Love You, Hey Baby I Need You
I rarely watch television, but if Fox News has someone on that is an artist I like, I'll make a special effort to
listen to hear them and was listening the morning HWJr.'s promoting a cd turned into Kick his A$$ out of Monday Night football.  The result -- His new song -- Keep The Change

BTW, I do think what he said was taken out of context, but the end result was he lost one of the favorite things he liked doing ..... but he took it in HWJr fashion with a quirky kick A$$ song that pretty much sums it all up.  I don't care if you do or do not like HWJr., he should be respected for standing up for his beliefs, and for his support of our armed forces.  Can't you see what our country is coming to when only "special" people can express themselves, and others are not allowed ?   And that's pretty much the reasoning behind his song, but I digress, you can just listen for yourself and he'll give you a free download over on his website. 
Listen to Darryl Worley's song ............  

I watch the news and have to wonder if this country's going crazy, ....
I'm just the average joe, and that makes me smart enough to know there's other's
out here who think the same...........  GONNA KEEP OUR GOD  & OUR FREEDOM 

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