Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life's Journey

Sometimes we have people in our lives for a short while, others for a very long time, and some we merely cross paths with.  The important part sometimes is not how long they were there, but why they were there, and did we provide what they needed, or in some instances vice versa.  Thus, the same is true with our lives, we can live everyday trying to be number one, or we can live everyday being the person that our inner self wants us to be, for each of us that inner self might be a bit different, and that's what makes our journey through life so special.  We each have something to offer to others.  Some have the ability to perform operations that save lives, others have the ability to be your anchor in the storm, others motivate us to be all that we can be, and some people are there to teach us right from wrong. 

Perhaps this journey through life teaches us that love doesn't just mean looking at someone with love, but that we look together down the road on our journey and fill it with love.  The universal question might be how do we get there?  Each of us have an internal music box, the mirror to our souls, sometimes we get the lyrics and the melody out of tune and out of time, and we end up with a broken heart, or out of focus, our mirror gets smudged and we have a hard time seeing what we need to see.  Maybe the answer to the question is just love with everything you have inside you and if we suffer along the way, find the goodness from that experience and use that to kindle a fire to spread more love.  In the end, it isn't about how long we were here, it's really about what did we miss out on because we were not open enough to look inside our ownselves.  Each of us can be a better friend, sister, soulmate, lover, neighbor, just a better person if we let Love be the motivator. 

Today I have alot to be thankful for, amazing friends, a guide that came into my life that is far more knowledgeable that I will ever be, but is one of those amazing people that appears when we need them most.  An online family that is just as real as those that we have around us in person, and indeed they are with us in person because they are in our hearts.  Those that know me really well know that I tell people to always talk about people that have moved to a higher place, because we keep them alive here on earth with our talking about them, and sometimes they are that Angel in the Night that comforts us and keeps us safe from harm.  Today you might be someone's angel and not even know it, just a kind word or deed, might be the one thing that keeps someone out of harms way.  Sometimes it's not spoken words, it's a kind look, a friendly smile, or just an act of kindness towards someone; sometimes it's just three little words "I LOVE YOU" or "I REALLY DO CARE", and sometimes it's saying nothing at all. 

So today, I will say I love you to all of my friends and family, even to my enemies, because no matter who you are or what you have done, I am going to have faith that you will find the light. I will pray that God will keep you safe from harm, and that you always have an anchor in the storm.

To those that I hurt, I ask forgiveness and understanding, understanding that caring and getting hurt makes us strike out in anger sometimes.  It doesn't mean that I don't love you, it means I am human.

So today, I had to forgive me first, so that I can only hope to do my best today to make the world a little happier, a little better starting with ME.

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