Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Good, Bad, & Ugly

Thankful for A Thanksgiving of Calmness

Over the years I have had alot of things to be thankful for, but these days, the one thing that I seem to find the most value in, is just calm and peace.  I have always been what people dub as "hi energy, (more negative comments include "high strung"; bat out of hell; dizzy blonde; chaotic; classy dasher; and what my favorite boss of all times called me "hell on wheels that keeps on steam rolling"".  (I'll forgo some of the ones that are less suitable for repeating.   LOL).  Well in case you think I digressed with this topic, no, for a change I didn't. 

As we get older, we either I think tend to start rushing to make up for all the things we haven't done that we wanted to do, or we start settling back and either decide life is for living in the "now", and for cherishing the things that we do; or else, we start reliving with regrets. 

Life should really be about living, not dying, and unfortunately I think the holidays seem to bring more of that aspect to our lives than living and enjoying the "days".  When the mountains seem to grow taller that we have to climb, our legs seem to get shorter, or in my case, my a$$ seems to get closer to the ground; sometimes I have to stop and step back and say well I might could cover a longer distance if I crawl instead of running headlong 90 miles an hour into the headwind, just to get knocked back.  However, one of the things I think we tend to forget is there is always someone there to uplift us and to care about us when it seems all hope is gone.  We all have one true friend if we accept that there is life after this one, and more importantly, we are given the promise of a life of eternity, if we only accept it.  This life, while it may seem like the only thing we need to worry about, isn't really what it's all about after all.  So, you get to be the judge of the way you want your life to continue.... life or death.... I don't know about the rest of you, but I think "eternal life" has a much better outlook than just the life we now have here.  So if you have a life that is filled with turmoil or despair, there's always hope, and hope knows only the bounds that you set. 

Today's song is just about that "Hope" -- In the words of someone far greater than me.... "Hope springs eternal".....  

From one of my favorite artists - Joe Cocker -- "Have A Little Faith In Me"  (I hope someday I can hug Joe Cocker's neck and tell him thank you for this song, it has the ability to restore harmony unlike no other song other than Amazing Grace, that I have heard in my lifetime). 

So, when that road is dark and you can no longer see; just look upwards, then go find someone that looks sadder than you do, ask if they need a cup of coffee, or a simple, "smile, and the words "tomorrow will be a brighter day", might just be the answer. (For the nay sayers that say well that doesn't pay their bills, bring back the person that died, give them their love of a lifetime.... no, it surely doesn't, but in this life maybe, just maybe it's about "the gift of giving something that we can't own in a tangible sense".... compassion, peace, love, hope, a sharing of happiness through just a little "faith".

Joe Cocker - Have A Little Faith In Me

Lee Ann Rimes - Amazing Grace

Note:  This was the good part of the "good, bad and the ugly". 

Stay tuned parts 2 n 3 on the way... to your viewing station.

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