Everyone should have a Charlie Brown Christmas or a CB Moment at least --
So here's my CB Tree this year, although its slightly taller than CB's, it still has the CB Spirit
Dont forget to meet me tonite - 9-12 midnite - http://www.partycentralradio.com/
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thank You All - WB Party
It was a marvelous time last night at Party Central Radio; the kind words by DJ Kiasami (Kia-sam E') were greatly appreciated, as were those by DJ Lola Bunny. The chat room was a buzz with laughter and refreshments and requests and I rolled out my latest (well a few of them anyway) new fave songs. The chat room and my yahoo folks kept me hopping, and as I was a bit rusty from not being on air of late, I was double checking to make sure I had played all requests.
I do have to extend special thanks to Buns, Southern and Spyder who kept sharp eyes on chat and kept me in check :) So big hugs to all.
Have a listen to one of those new faves below: I can identify with all of this song, in fact, I was talking to someone the other day and said people talk about gambling, but growing up like I did on a farm in rural NC, gambling is planting a crop and hoping the rains come at the right time, not too much, not too little; hoping the blight or a varmit doesn't decide to hit the crop, and hoping the price in the market place isn't rock bottom when it is time to harvest and sell. Real is saving those seeds from this year's crop to plant next year, and "REAL" is when a tragedy hits and you are left standing there wondering what you are going to do now. But the "REAL beauty of growing up there, was that there were always friends and neighbors ready and willing to lend you a hand when you needed it; and we were always ready and willing to lend our hands, (our own, not hired hands), the "real", is that it was a hard way of living, but looking back, I wouldn't trade it for a mansion on a hill, because that "real", made me who I have been the rest of my life. This girl left the country, but you can't take the country outta the girl..........
Real - James Wesley
500 Channels and there ain’t much on tonight
But reality shows about some folks so called lives
A pretty girl cries cause she don’t get a rose
But she’ll find love next year on her own show
And they call that real
Real, is the hand you hold 57 years
Real, is a band of gold trembling with fear
And it’s the first long tear down an old man’s face
Watching his angel slipping away
His heart so broke, it’s never gonna heal
I call that real
Where I live, housewives don’t act like that
And the survivors are farmers in John Deere hats
Our Amazing race is beating the check
Praying that the bank ain’t ran it through yet
Real, like too much rain falling from the sky
Real, like the drought that came around here last July
It’s the damn old weevils and the market and the weeds
The prayer they prayed when they plant the seeds
And the chance they take to bring us our next meal
I call that real
Real, like a job you lose ‘cause it moves to Mexico
Like a momma and a baby with no safe place to go
Like a little dream house with a big old foreclosed sign
Like a flag draped coffin and a 21 gun goodbye
I call that real
Man I call that real
Oh I call that real
I do have to extend special thanks to Buns, Southern and Spyder who kept sharp eyes on chat and kept me in check :) So big hugs to all.
Have a listen to one of those new faves below: I can identify with all of this song, in fact, I was talking to someone the other day and said people talk about gambling, but growing up like I did on a farm in rural NC, gambling is planting a crop and hoping the rains come at the right time, not too much, not too little; hoping the blight or a varmit doesn't decide to hit the crop, and hoping the price in the market place isn't rock bottom when it is time to harvest and sell. Real is saving those seeds from this year's crop to plant next year, and "REAL" is when a tragedy hits and you are left standing there wondering what you are going to do now. But the "REAL beauty of growing up there, was that there were always friends and neighbors ready and willing to lend you a hand when you needed it; and we were always ready and willing to lend our hands, (our own, not hired hands), the "real", is that it was a hard way of living, but looking back, I wouldn't trade it for a mansion on a hill, because that "real", made me who I have been the rest of my life. This girl left the country, but you can't take the country outta the girl..........
Real - James Wesley
500 Channels and there ain’t much on tonight
But reality shows about some folks so called lives
A pretty girl cries cause she don’t get a rose
But she’ll find love next year on her own show
And they call that real
Real, is the hand you hold 57 years
Real, is a band of gold trembling with fear
And it’s the first long tear down an old man’s face
Watching his angel slipping away
His heart so broke, it’s never gonna heal
I call that real
Where I live, housewives don’t act like that
And the survivors are farmers in John Deere hats
Our Amazing race is beating the check
Praying that the bank ain’t ran it through yet
Real, like too much rain falling from the sky
Real, like the drought that came around here last July
It’s the damn old weevils and the market and the weeds
The prayer they prayed when they plant the seeds
And the chance they take to bring us our next meal
I call that real
Real, like a job you lose ‘cause it moves to Mexico
Like a momma and a baby with no safe place to go
Like a little dream house with a big old foreclosed sign
Like a flag draped coffin and a 21 gun goodbye
I call that real
Man I call that real
Oh I call that real
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
We Need A Little Christmas "Warming"
Dec. 15, 2010
The Big "A" (Atlanta)has been experiencing some freezing, whew I do mean freezing temperatures. 15 degrees yesterday morning, I go out to pick up a couple items and the Volvo who's heater was working beautifully the night before suddenly decided to not work. The heated seats however do work, but that does not help the toes and fingers that are needed to function in metro-Atlanta traffic. So, we need a little Christmas without the cold, please, if the weather goddess is listening. The poor folks in Miami are out purchasing space heaters, but before you go feeling too sorry for them, their temps, unlike ours, are due to head back to the 70s. So, now that I have barraged you with the cold and my unfortunate heater demise, let's get onto the music....
I love this Christmas Tune, a vintage Percy Faith Orchestra version of this tune hit No. 24 on the Holiday Songs chart in 2005, and former American Idol contestant Kimberley Locke's cover rose to No 19 on Adult Contemporary in Jan. 2009.
The Big "A" (Atlanta)has been experiencing some freezing, whew I do mean freezing temperatures. 15 degrees yesterday morning, I go out to pick up a couple items and the Volvo who's heater was working beautifully the night before suddenly decided to not work. The heated seats however do work, but that does not help the toes and fingers that are needed to function in metro-Atlanta traffic. So, we need a little Christmas without the cold, please, if the weather goddess is listening. The poor folks in Miami are out purchasing space heaters, but before you go feeling too sorry for them, their temps, unlike ours, are due to head back to the 70s. So, now that I have barraged you with the cold and my unfortunate heater demise, let's get onto the music....
I love this Christmas Tune, a vintage Percy Faith Orchestra version of this tune hit No. 24 on the Holiday Songs chart in 2005, and former American Idol contestant Kimberley Locke's cover rose to No 19 on Adult Contemporary in Jan. 2009.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Bounties of the Fall
Below you can hear Ikuko Kawai - She also does a Persimmon Lullabye Song which I
was unable to find on tube for your listening pleasure.
For anyone that has not tasted the delectable Persimmon fruit, if you love peaches, a Persimmon is actually sweeter when it is ripe. The key word to that statement is ripe. You will get the puckers if it is not ripe, and they will last quite awhile. Below is the tree that I was picking from this morning; as you can see, it was not overly tall, but required a ladder to reach that delicious bounty.
Below you can hear Ikuko Kawai - She also does a Persimmon Lullabye Song which I
was unable to find on tube for your listening pleasure.
The Good, Bad, and Ugly (Part Two)
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Can someone please explain to me why there are children sleeping in a portable building in Waco, Texas that are two (2) years old, twins, ALONE? Now to make matters worse, the story in a Dallas paper stated the mother and boyfriend were staying in a mobile home nearby, and that the children sometimes slept in the portable building that was once utilized for storage. A fire broke out in the portable building, and thanksgiving night the twins, just five days short of their third birthday, now no longer will be here on this earth to be in a storage building alive, alone.
So if you are reading this, please do one thing, for the sake of those two and others, if you know of a family that does not have adequate living arrangements, or if you know children are being left alone like the two above, please do something, but please do not make situations worse for parents that are trying! Times are very hard for people these days, the economy has left people in situations that they have not had to face before, and sometimes people are left without a home. Instead of calling DFS, on parents that are trying and that are at least providing shelter, food and care for their children, go to your refrigerator, take out that block of cheese, that gallon of milk that you haven't opened yet, that box of cereal that your kids won't eat; or that extra box that will expire and go into the trash.... give it to a family that is trying! Now, with that being said, if children are being left alone unattended, are in danger, then obviously stronger measures need to be considered. The first step is looking into the situation in depth, know the "facts", please do not "do guess work", "guess work harms families that are attempting to do the right thing, and appearances sometimes are VERY misleading. Make sure you know a child is in danger, unattended, etc. Then, contact the appropriate agency in your area. The first step should be to contact the local church to ensure that someone can be located to take in a child that is taken into custody, that will provide a safe home, if at all possible, until appropriate steps are taken by authorities.
WIth the rise of Meth use in America, the toll that it has on children of the users is horrendous, once caring and doting parents are turned into seemingless "mindless people, with one thought, to attain that next "high in search of the same high that burned out their pleasure center in the brain initially". (For those of you unfamiliar with this epidemic, please google and look at the effects on children, on the users, the signs, etc. Be mindful of people around you that may have fallen prey to this dreadful addiction, and please help their children, because quite honestly, they are not capable of doing so.
The two lives lost on Thanksgiving night, should be a reminder to all of us of our responsibilities towards other human beings, whether it is a child, adult, or elderly person or animal. Kindness and caring .... without those you have the bad and the ugly!
It is never ok to look the other way........
This is what life should have been like for the two that perished....
Hat's off to Raymond --- He's found the "real meaning of life".....
If only the world could be as near perfect as Axel's. We'd have a Happy World.
Can someone please explain to me why there are children sleeping in a portable building in Waco, Texas that are two (2) years old, twins, ALONE? Now to make matters worse, the story in a Dallas paper stated the mother and boyfriend were staying in a mobile home nearby, and that the children sometimes slept in the portable building that was once utilized for storage. A fire broke out in the portable building, and thanksgiving night the twins, just five days short of their third birthday, now no longer will be here on this earth to be in a storage building alive, alone.
So if you are reading this, please do one thing, for the sake of those two and others, if you know of a family that does not have adequate living arrangements, or if you know children are being left alone like the two above, please do something, but please do not make situations worse for parents that are trying! Times are very hard for people these days, the economy has left people in situations that they have not had to face before, and sometimes people are left without a home. Instead of calling DFS, on parents that are trying and that are at least providing shelter, food and care for their children, go to your refrigerator, take out that block of cheese, that gallon of milk that you haven't opened yet, that box of cereal that your kids won't eat; or that extra box that will expire and go into the trash.... give it to a family that is trying! Now, with that being said, if children are being left alone unattended, are in danger, then obviously stronger measures need to be considered. The first step is looking into the situation in depth, know the "facts", please do not "do guess work", "guess work harms families that are attempting to do the right thing, and appearances sometimes are VERY misleading. Make sure you know a child is in danger, unattended, etc. Then, contact the appropriate agency in your area. The first step should be to contact the local church to ensure that someone can be located to take in a child that is taken into custody, that will provide a safe home, if at all possible, until appropriate steps are taken by authorities.
WIth the rise of Meth use in America, the toll that it has on children of the users is horrendous, once caring and doting parents are turned into seemingless "mindless people, with one thought, to attain that next "high in search of the same high that burned out their pleasure center in the brain initially". (For those of you unfamiliar with this epidemic, please google and look at the effects on children, on the users, the signs, etc. Be mindful of people around you that may have fallen prey to this dreadful addiction, and please help their children, because quite honestly, they are not capable of doing so.
The two lives lost on Thanksgiving night, should be a reminder to all of us of our responsibilities towards other human beings, whether it is a child, adult, or elderly person or animal. Kindness and caring .... without those you have the bad and the ugly!
It is never ok to look the other way........
This is what life should have been like for the two that perished....
Hat's off to Raymond --- He's found the "real meaning of life".....
If only the world could be as near perfect as Axel's. We'd have a Happy World.
The Good, Bad, & Ugly
Thankful for A Thanksgiving of Calmness
So, when that road is dark and you can no longer see; just look upwards, then go find someone that looks sadder than you do, ask if they need a cup of coffee, or a simple, "smile, and the words "tomorrow will be a brighter day", might just be the answer. (For the nay sayers that say well that doesn't pay their bills, bring back the person that died, give them their love of a lifetime.... no, it surely doesn't, but in this life maybe, just maybe it's about "the gift of giving something that we can't own in a tangible sense".... compassion, peace, love, hope, a sharing of happiness through just a little "faith".
Joe Cocker - Have A Little Faith In Me
Lee Ann Rimes - Amazing Grace
Note: This was the good part of the "good, bad and the ugly".
Stay tuned parts 2 n 3 on the way... to your viewing station.
Over the years I have had alot of things to be thankful for, but these days, the one thing that I seem to find the most value in, is just calm and peace. I have always been what people dub as "hi energy, (more negative comments include "high strung"; bat out of hell; dizzy blonde; chaotic; classy dasher; and what my favorite boss of all times called me "hell on wheels that keeps on steam rolling"". (I'll forgo some of the ones that are less suitable for repeating. LOL). Well in case you think I digressed with this topic, no, for a change I didn't.
As we get older, we either I think tend to start rushing to make up for all the things we haven't done that we wanted to do, or we start settling back and either decide life is for living in the "now", and for cherishing the things that we do; or else, we start reliving with regrets.
Life should really be about living, not dying, and unfortunately I think the holidays seem to bring more of that aspect to our lives than living and enjoying the "days". When the mountains seem to grow taller that we have to climb, our legs seem to get shorter, or in my case, my a$$ seems to get closer to the ground; sometimes I have to stop and step back and say well I might could cover a longer distance if I crawl instead of running headlong 90 miles an hour into the headwind, just to get knocked back. However, one of the things I think we tend to forget is there is always someone there to uplift us and to care about us when it seems all hope is gone. We all have one true friend if we accept that there is life after this one, and more importantly, we are given the promise of a life of eternity, if we only accept it. This life, while it may seem like the only thing we need to worry about, isn't really what it's all about after all. So, you get to be the judge of the way you want your life to continue.... life or death.... I don't know about the rest of you, but I think "eternal life" has a much better outlook than just the life we now have here. So if you have a life that is filled with turmoil or despair, there's always hope, and hope knows only the bounds that you set.
Today's song is just about that "Hope" -- In the words of someone far greater than me.... "Hope springs eternal".....
From one of my favorite artists - Joe Cocker -- "Have A Little Faith In Me" (I hope someday I can hug Joe Cocker's neck and tell him thank you for this song, it has the ability to restore harmony unlike no other song other than Amazing Grace, that I have heard in my lifetime).
So, when that road is dark and you can no longer see; just look upwards, then go find someone that looks sadder than you do, ask if they need a cup of coffee, or a simple, "smile, and the words "tomorrow will be a brighter day", might just be the answer. (For the nay sayers that say well that doesn't pay their bills, bring back the person that died, give them their love of a lifetime.... no, it surely doesn't, but in this life maybe, just maybe it's about "the gift of giving something that we can't own in a tangible sense".... compassion, peace, love, hope, a sharing of happiness through just a little "faith".
Joe Cocker - Have A Little Faith In Me
Lee Ann Rimes - Amazing Grace
Note: This was the good part of the "good, bad and the ugly".
Stay tuned parts 2 n 3 on the way... to your viewing station.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Free Music? Internet Radio Stations -
Well there is no such thing as a free ride when it comes to music, as I explained a few days ago to someone that was interested in starting their own internet radio station.
The misconception that a stream to play music on residing elsewhere is not considered a "station", is essentialy flawed/false. Look at it in basic broken down terms " a stream is the medium utilized, the internet is still involved, you are speaking and playing music on the internet - thus you have created "your own centralized localized radio station" when you stream. It can further be broken down to point out that "central/localized is "YOUR PC".
For those that listen to internet radio they probably have no idea of the behind the scenes associations with the recording industry at large; but for those that have internet radio stations and DJ online, the consequences are quite severe for not securing appropriate licensing or paying fees directly to the three major organizations.
They are fortunately answers to that dilemna by legally licensing stations, and unfortunately some have not realized the consequences of operating with out the required licensing. There are alot of online articles generated on this topic, but I believe this one sums up the gist of the requirements and the fees associated with non-compliance. Whew, if one station had 500 listeners in a one month period w/o having obtained and appropriate licensing through a third party, fees of $20.50 x 500 would be quite the sum ..... thousands of dollars would accrue. Internet Radio Licensing and Fees
From the article above: (Quoted within legal guidelines): To put these numbers in perspective, a streaming service that operates 24 hours a day and averages 10 songs per hour would pay a royalty of about $8 per month if it averages one listener during every hour of operation, based on the rates for 2007. If the service is playing 15 songs per hour, the monthly royalty would be in the range of $12 per average listener. By 2010, the monthly payments would rise to approximately $13.75 per average listener for the service streaming 10 songs an hour, and to $20.50 per average listener for a service which averages 15 songs per hour.
The misconception that a stream to play music on residing elsewhere is not considered a "station", is essentialy flawed/false. Look at it in basic broken down terms " a stream is the medium utilized, the internet is still involved, you are speaking and playing music on the internet - thus you have created "your own centralized localized radio station" when you stream. It can further be broken down to point out that "central/localized is "YOUR PC".
For those that listen to internet radio they probably have no idea of the behind the scenes associations with the recording industry at large; but for those that have internet radio stations and DJ online, the consequences are quite severe for not securing appropriate licensing or paying fees directly to the three major organizations.
They are fortunately answers to that dilemna by legally licensing stations, and unfortunately some have not realized the consequences of operating with out the required licensing. There are alot of online articles generated on this topic, but I believe this one sums up the gist of the requirements and the fees associated with non-compliance. Whew, if one station had 500 listeners in a one month period w/o having obtained and appropriate licensing through a third party, fees of $20.50 x 500 would be quite the sum ..... thousands of dollars would accrue. Internet Radio Licensing and Fees
From the article above: (Quoted within legal guidelines): To put these numbers in perspective, a streaming service that operates 24 hours a day and averages 10 songs per hour would pay a royalty of about $8 per month if it averages one listener during every hour of operation, based on the rates for 2007. If the service is playing 15 songs per hour, the monthly royalty would be in the range of $12 per average listener. By 2010, the monthly payments would rise to approximately $13.75 per average listener for the service streaming 10 songs an hour, and to $20.50 per average listener for a service which averages 15 songs per hour.
In my thinking, artists should get paid reasonable fees for their music, and if the music industry would look at internet radio as the "new median", and focus on the "good of internet radio relations, rather than the polarized "old school", then all could live in happy accord together. Internet radio not only provides a social environment, it PROMOTES the artists, the art of music, and creates an easy mechanism for the listener to purchase music through different means either by one song downloads; (i.e., a download service such as Amazon, I-tunes, and direct from the artists; in addition to providing avenues to purchase entire cd's or box collections. Let's face it, the internet is the "social meca" in today's world. Collectively, if we all work together to promote the industry in a fair and reasonable fashion, then the music industry and internet radio will thrive "together" as a united community. For those stations that do not follow the current compliance by obtaining third party licensing, or paying fees direct to the 3 Associations, I hope you do not hear the sound of KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK or see a certified letter in the mail; please prevent that by taking the appropriate steps to ensure you are complying. I realize that everyone wants to enjoy music, and I whole-heartedly want that, what I do not want is for people to be harmed financially for non-compliance, and for the music industry to have further reasons to charge more for internet radio!
Let's all attempt to work together and create a fair and united community; there is a place for all stations and listeners, and you know that HHR just wants you to dance :) - but let's all dance in accord, peace, and legally. Peace Out!
Let's all attempt to work together and create a fair and united community; there is a place for all stations and listeners, and you know that HHR just wants you to dance :) - but let's all dance in accord, peace, and legally. Peace Out!
Can't Find Your Phone?
This service lets you dial your number for free - and no worries, you won't get spam from the website, it is run by a telecom company and they are reputable. Just go to http://www.icantfindmyphone.com/ enter your phone number and it will dial it for you so you can hear it ringing and know exactly where it is (assuming it is nearby where you can hear).
Here's today's song to go with the above theme.
Jerry Reed - The Telephone Call Ray Stevens - It's Me Again Margret
Here's today's song to go with the above theme.
Jerry Reed - The Telephone Call Ray Stevens - It's Me Again Margret
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Helen Clair Wilhoit "Lynn Moroney"
Helen Claire Wilhoit 'Lynn' Moroney, widow of Belo exec, dies in Dallas
An amazing woman, mother, friend, patron, singer, and the list goes on and on......
She was one of the fore-runners for women recording artists.....
I'm sure all of you have heard the addage about one's tombstone, the article below was written by Lynn Moroney's family, and I don't believe there would be enough room on her tombstone to put all the elements of her life, nor apparently her goodness. In a world filled with sadness and despair, this is one family that appears to know what the true worth of a Mother really is.
You can read their summary here: http://www.filejumbo.com/Download/9055287F04FEDB57
Her Obit - http://www.filejumbo.com/Download/9055287F04FEDB57
An amazing woman, mother, friend, patron, singer, and the list goes on and on......
She was one of the fore-runners for women recording artists.....
I'm sure all of you have heard the addage about one's tombstone, the article below was written by Lynn Moroney's family, and I don't believe there would be enough room on her tombstone to put all the elements of her life, nor apparently her goodness. In a world filled with sadness and despair, this is one family that appears to know what the true worth of a Mother really is.
You can read their summary here: http://www.filejumbo.com/Download/9055287F04FEDB57
Her Obit - http://www.filejumbo.com/Download/9055287F04FEDB57
CMA - Country Music Association Awards 2010
EGADS, is the one word that comes to mind after seeing the fashion errors. I think some of these people threw open the closet door and grabbed the first thing that looked "gawdy".
Worst Worst and Worst -- Nicole Kidman - Less Was Not More.... The Hospital Gauze Tape dress or grandma's doiley dress did nothing for her and those shoes were not meant for that dress! Well, it speaks for itself, you take a look just make sure you put on some Rose Colored Glasses before you do. Awfuls of the Night
The dress that could have been the hit of the night, in my book, key word "could" - it was just the wrong colorings for Leighton Meester.
Where was Gwyneth Paltrow going after the awards? Maybe that would explain her attire.
I just won't even venture to the male attire, except to say "love R. Flatts' music" but, I think they were on a trip backwards in time. Hmmm, maybe this was an experiment for a new song? "Back to get the groove on?
While I won't say I totally agreed with all the folks that won, there were some that truly did deserve their awards, others, not so much.
Here is the list of nominees and winners:
Entertainer of the Year: Brad Paisley (Lady Antebellum Miranda Lambert Keith Urban ZBBand)
Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert (Carrie Underwood Martina McBride Reba McIntire Taylor Swift)
Male Vocalist of the Year: Brad Paisley (Dierks Bentley Blake Shelton George Strait Keith Urban)
New Artist of the Year: ZBBand (Luke Bryan Easton Corbin Jerrod Neimann Chris Young)
Vocal Group of the Year: Lady Antebellum (Little Big Town Rascal Flatts The Band Perry Zac Brown Band)
Vocal Duo of the Year: Sugarland (Brooks & Dunn Joey + Rory Montgomery Gentry Steel Magnolia)
Single of the Year: "Need You Now," Lady Antebellum ("A Little More Country Than That," Easton Corbin -- "Hillbilly Bone," Blake Shelton featuring Trace Adkins "The House That Built Me," Miranda Lambert -- "White Liar," Miranda Lambert)
Album of the Year: Revolution
"Need You Now," Lady Antebellum
"Play On," Carrie Underwood
"Twang," George Strait
"Up on the Ridge," Dierks Bentley
Song of the Year: "The House That Built Me"
"A Little More Country Than That"
"Need You Now"
"White Liar"
Musical Event of the Year: "Hillbilly Bone," Blake Shelton, featuring Trace Adkins
"Bad Angel," Dierks Bentley, featuring Miranda Lambert and Jamey Johnson
"Can't You See," Zac Brown, featuring Kid Rock
"I'm Alive," Kenny Chesney with Dave Matthews
"Till the End," Alan Jackson with Lee Ann Womack
Music Video of the Year: "The House That Built Me," Miranda Lambert
"Hillbilly Bone," Blake Shelton, featuring Trace Adkins
"Need You Now," Lady Antebellum
"Water," Brad Paisley
"White Liar," Miranda Lambert
Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally, Guitar
Paul Franklin, Steel guitar
Dann Huff, Guitar
Brent Mason, Guitar
Randy Scruggs, Guitar
Worst Worst and Worst -- Nicole Kidman - Less Was Not More.... The Hospital Gauze Tape dress or grandma's doiley dress did nothing for her and those shoes were not meant for that dress! Well, it speaks for itself, you take a look just make sure you put on some Rose Colored Glasses before you do. Awfuls of the Night
The dress that could have been the hit of the night, in my book, key word "could" - it was just the wrong colorings for Leighton Meester.
Where was Gwyneth Paltrow going after the awards? Maybe that would explain her attire.
I just won't even venture to the male attire, except to say "love R. Flatts' music" but, I think they were on a trip backwards in time. Hmmm, maybe this was an experiment for a new song? "Back to get the groove on?
While I won't say I totally agreed with all the folks that won, there were some that truly did deserve their awards, others, not so much.
Here is the list of nominees and winners:
Entertainer of the Year: Brad Paisley (Lady Antebellum Miranda Lambert Keith Urban ZBBand)
Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert (Carrie Underwood Martina McBride Reba McIntire Taylor Swift)
Male Vocalist of the Year: Brad Paisley (Dierks Bentley Blake Shelton George Strait Keith Urban)
New Artist of the Year: ZBBand (Luke Bryan Easton Corbin Jerrod Neimann Chris Young)
Vocal Group of the Year: Lady Antebellum (Little Big Town Rascal Flatts The Band Perry Zac Brown Band)
Vocal Duo of the Year: Sugarland (Brooks & Dunn Joey + Rory Montgomery Gentry Steel Magnolia)
Single of the Year: "Need You Now," Lady Antebellum ("A Little More Country Than That," Easton Corbin -- "Hillbilly Bone," Blake Shelton featuring Trace Adkins "The House That Built Me," Miranda Lambert -- "White Liar," Miranda Lambert)
Album of the Year: Revolution
"Need You Now," Lady Antebellum
"Play On," Carrie Underwood
"Twang," George Strait
"Up on the Ridge," Dierks Bentley
Song of the Year: "The House That Built Me"
"A Little More Country Than That"
"Need You Now"
"White Liar"
Musical Event of the Year: "Hillbilly Bone," Blake Shelton, featuring Trace Adkins
"Bad Angel," Dierks Bentley, featuring Miranda Lambert and Jamey Johnson
"Can't You See," Zac Brown, featuring Kid Rock
"I'm Alive," Kenny Chesney with Dave Matthews
"Till the End," Alan Jackson with Lee Ann Womack
Music Video of the Year: "The House That Built Me," Miranda Lambert
"Hillbilly Bone," Blake Shelton, featuring Trace Adkins
"Need You Now," Lady Antebellum
"Water," Brad Paisley
"White Liar," Miranda Lambert
Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally, Guitar
Paul Franklin, Steel guitar
Dann Huff, Guitar
Brent Mason, Guitar
Randy Scruggs, Guitar
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
"The Secret to Living & Not Dying"
Caution: Read @ Your Own Risk
Ike's Story Below:
The Auctioneer Song
and the Start of this whole trek .... "Thank God &Greyhound, You're Gone"
Anybody ante'd up my fifty dollars yet?
(Red's dedicating this one to Doc) HAHA
Sunday, November 7, 2010
It Pays To Pray
It Pays To Pray - Rodney Griffin - Legacy 5 / Greater Vision
I was cleaning and doing some chores today, putting recycling together and the mundane things, happened by the television, and since I had to be in that room for a few minutes and it was on, I grabbed the remote and hit a few buttons and on came a Gospel Show. (For those of you that don't know me, I am not a tv watcher, it's a rare occurrence for me to watch television). Now, I would be hard pressed to tell you the name of the show, because I was listening, not watching, but I heard Rodney Griffin (Greater Vision/Legacy 5) telling about a song he had written several years ago called "It Pays to Pray". The story went something like this..... he met and married a woman and her heart was burdened because he father had never really been part of her life and had never been saved. So Rodney made a new prayer list and everyday for 14 years no matter where he was, California, Georgia, Tennessee, etc., he prayed for his father in law; then one day God gave him the words to the above song and he wrote the song about what he wanted to believe in conjunction with his father in law. It happened that a week or so later his father-in-law was hospitalized with congestive heart failure and was told he needed surgery to save his life. During the long night before the surgery, he gave his soul to Jesus. Rodney had already written the song, but his faith and his steadfastness for 14 years is truly remarkable.
For those of us that struggle when God doesn't immediately answer our prayers, and start worrying that God has forsaken us, or that he's not listening, our faith and steadfastness leaves alot to be desired, but unlike that, Rodney steadfastly prayed and believed for 14 years, over 5,000 prayers and his was answered.
There's a word for someone like Rodney, I'm just not sure what it is aside from "True-Believer"; "Godly"; "Steadfast"; and a few more adjectives that would fit, but I will let you listen to the song and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed it. I am sure, just like me, out there somewhere is someone that needed to know his story too.
Rodney Griffin " It Pays To Pray"
Well, I guess this post isn't finished yet, I was searching for a graphic to put on here, and along with that found this amazing story..... Praying Hands Story - The Artwork
Think that is much better than just a graphic.
"be a friend to a friend".....
Monday, November 1, 2010
Billy Ray Cyrus - D I V O R C E
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Photo Courtesy of StarPulse |
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Daughter Miley Photo Copyright Matt Symons |
Billy Ray Cyrus -- Achy Breaky Heart Tish and Billy Ray Cyrus (shown @ the right), are apparently calling it quits after 17 years of marriage. The statement issued from the two acknowledged it is a hard time for their family and they are attempting to work through some issues; additionally, their appreciation for thoughts and prayers.
Their daughter Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) has been enjoying a remarkable career over the past few years despite her young age. One is left to wonder if the good girl image gone bad has anything to do with the relationship of Mom and Pop at home.
Their daughter Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) has been enjoying a remarkable career over the past few years despite her young age. One is left to wonder if the good girl image gone bad has anything to do with the relationship of Mom and Pop at home.

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Spooky Tooth - Evil Woman
It is Halloween, and after 80 plus trick or treaters I needed to post a treat here :)
Live --- From Hamburg
Spooky Tooth - "Come Hell or High Water" - (I chase rainbows in the dark...)
I was surprised last year when I found that not alot of my listeners were familiar with Spooky Tooth. For those that are not, Spooky Tooth was part of the last of the 60's/early 70's era focusing more on the hard rock to progressive rock sound that we are all familiar with.
Mike Harrison was a vocalist; Luther Grosvenor guitarist; Greg Ridley bassist; Mike Kellie drummer. They recorded It's All About in 1968. Spooky Two was I believe their most successful album in the United States. The built up a loyal following in the UK, but it was in the USA that the band enjoyed greater success. "It's All About" was renamed "Tobacco Road" for the US, and belatedly made Number 152 in the US album charts in August 1970. (Check back tomorrow for the story about Tobacco Road).
The original Spooky Tooth line-up cut two more albums for Island, "Spooky Two" (Island ILPS 9098, released March 1969) and "Ceremony" (Island ILPS 9107, released January 1970), "Ceremony" included the featuring of Pierre Henry, an French electronics wizard .
When Greg Ridley left the group to join "Humble Pie", he was replaced by Andy Leigh. Surprisingly Luther took on the name "Ariel Bender" and hooked up with Stealers Wheel. The addition that will "rock you" is Henry McCullough, Chris Stainton and Alan Spenner (all from Joe Cocker's Grease Band). ( Of course you all know Joe Cocker is still on the TOP of my list, and always will be).
Even with the addition of the fabulous 3, Spooky Tooth faltered. and Spooky Tooth broke up after "The Last Puff" in 1970. They later reunited in 1973 with Wright, Harrison, and future Foreigner guitarist Mick Jones with which they produced several LP's, including You Broke My Heart So I Busted Your Jaw, but again, they faltered and broke up in 1974. Tomorrow I will share the rest of the "Spooky Tooth" story..... but for tonite ....
the "Witches Brew" is calling my name. "Bottoms Up".......
Live --- From Hamburg
Spooky Tooth - "Come Hell or High Water" - (I chase rainbows in the dark...)
I was surprised last year when I found that not alot of my listeners were familiar with Spooky Tooth. For those that are not, Spooky Tooth was part of the last of the 60's/early 70's era focusing more on the hard rock to progressive rock sound that we are all familiar with.
Mike Harrison was a vocalist; Luther Grosvenor guitarist; Greg Ridley bassist; Mike Kellie drummer. They recorded It's All About in 1968. Spooky Two was I believe their most successful album in the United States. The built up a loyal following in the UK, but it was in the USA that the band enjoyed greater success. "It's All About" was renamed "Tobacco Road" for the US, and belatedly made Number 152 in the US album charts in August 1970. (Check back tomorrow for the story about Tobacco Road).
The original Spooky Tooth line-up cut two more albums for Island, "Spooky Two" (Island ILPS 9098, released March 1969) and "Ceremony" (Island ILPS 9107, released January 1970), "Ceremony" included the featuring of Pierre Henry, an French electronics wizard .
When Greg Ridley left the group to join "Humble Pie", he was replaced by Andy Leigh. Surprisingly Luther took on the name "Ariel Bender" and hooked up with Stealers Wheel. The addition that will "rock you" is Henry McCullough, Chris Stainton and Alan Spenner (all from Joe Cocker's Grease Band). ( Of course you all know Joe Cocker is still on the TOP of my list, and always will be).
Even with the addition of the fabulous 3, Spooky Tooth faltered. and Spooky Tooth broke up after "The Last Puff" in 1970. They later reunited in 1973 with Wright, Harrison, and future Foreigner guitarist Mick Jones with which they produced several LP's, including You Broke My Heart So I Busted Your Jaw, but again, they faltered and broke up in 1974. Tomorrow I will share the rest of the "Spooky Tooth" story..... but for tonite ....
the "Witches Brew" is calling my name. "Bottoms Up".......
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Garth Brooks Pre-Announcement Garth Playing with Band Dec 17, 2010 - Bridgestone Arena - Tenn. For Flood Victims
At 8:00 a.m. this morning, Garth Brooks will announce that he will be playing a show for Tennessee Flood Victims on Dec. 17, 2010 (according to the buzz from Jimmy Carter moments ago). Garth's website simply states - Visit the website at 8:00 a.m. this morning for a special announcement.
This is a full blown Garth style show, not the same as the versions he has been doing of late.
More info to follow.
Garth Website
This is a full blown Garth style show, not the same as the versions he has been doing of late.
More info to follow.
Garth Website
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Back To My Roots
Bon Jovi & Jennifer Nettles sing about "Who Say's You Can't Go Home", and Josh Kelly sings about my current stomping grounds "Georgia Clay", but I can get pretty darn close to going back home, if I tune in to this station!
RADIO YUR is North Carolina's only website to focus 2/47 stream on the traditional music and culture of the Western Carolina's. You will hear such programs as Carolina Tales, The Liberty Flyer, Best of The Blue Ridge, Carolina Live and more. Give a listen at Radio YUR.
http://whiterose.us/ http://southernsanta.blogspot.com/ http://highheelrose.blogspot.com/ http://www.partycentralradio.com/
RADIO YUR is North Carolina's only website to focus 2/47 stream on the traditional music and culture of the Western Carolina's. You will hear such programs as Carolina Tales, The Liberty Flyer, Best of The Blue Ridge, Carolina Live and more. Give a listen at Radio YUR.
http://whiterose.us/ http://southernsanta.blogspot.com/ http://highheelrose.blogspot.com/ http://www.partycentralradio.com/
Monday, October 25, 2010
We've Been Boo'd Halloween Game
Files You Will Need - Click Here

Well I had a cute surprise this afternoon when I found a cute little brown sack with candy and a perfume in it on my back porch. I think this is absolutely a very fun and unique way to make someone's day a little brighter.
Happy Haunting - You Have Been Boo'd Game works like this:
You print out the two pages that I have included as attachments, or you can hand write them if you prefer yourself. (This would be an excellent penmanship home study). (Big sigh, how I long to see children learn to write correctly); but I digress as usual from the subject at hand.
Print out or hand write the two pages. (Use colored paper if you like or plain and you can put stickers, hand draw, etc. to personalize).
You will need to do the above two times.
Then take a plain paper bag or a gift bag, include some candy treats and a small gift. The gift can be something you make yourself. (I myself am partial to youngsters making prayer rocks, bookmarkers, and other useful things); however, this is only limited by your imagination.
If you are using brown bags, you can decorate those in true fall/halloween fashion with drawings, stickers, ribbon, yarn, pebbles, etc. (Use your imagination, this is suppose to be fun and creative).
Then simply prepare to be ghostly - pick two friends (or what I think is more fun, choose someone that you think is the least likely to receive one), then deliver to their porch quietly.
You have now "haunted and boo'd" and had a great deal of fun in the process.
The file below can be downloaded to your computer and saved, or opened and printed.

Well I had a cute surprise this afternoon when I found a cute little brown sack with candy and a perfume in it on my back porch. I think this is absolutely a very fun and unique way to make someone's day a little brighter.
Happy Haunting - You Have Been Boo'd Game works like this:
You print out the two pages that I have included as attachments, or you can hand write them if you prefer yourself. (This would be an excellent penmanship home study). (Big sigh, how I long to see children learn to write correctly); but I digress as usual from the subject at hand.
Print out or hand write the two pages. (Use colored paper if you like or plain and you can put stickers, hand draw, etc. to personalize).
You will need to do the above two times.
Then take a plain paper bag or a gift bag, include some candy treats and a small gift. The gift can be something you make yourself. (I myself am partial to youngsters making prayer rocks, bookmarkers, and other useful things); however, this is only limited by your imagination.
If you are using brown bags, you can decorate those in true fall/halloween fashion with drawings, stickers, ribbon, yarn, pebbles, etc. (Use your imagination, this is suppose to be fun and creative).
Then simply prepare to be ghostly - pick two friends (or what I think is more fun, choose someone that you think is the least likely to receive one), then deliver to their porch quietly.
You have now "haunted and boo'd" and had a great deal of fun in the process.
The file below can be downloaded to your computer and saved, or opened and printed.
Secret Agent Man
Secret Agent Man--Johnny Rivers aka John Henry Ramistella
Rivers is a unique artist that at age 13 was a guitar player with a distinct sound. He was taken with the performances of Fats Domino and Buddy Holly, but was not old enough to have fallen into that particular era of the music spin. That, however, did not stop his R&B movement, he had his first recording debut with a band he created called the SPADES in 1956, with "Hey Little Girl", a record on the Suede Label. His music also seemed to share alot of Elvis Presley style as did his voice early on. His first successes were actually not as a recording artist, but as a composer when James Burton (guitarist and hugely successful performer), passed to Ricky Nelson "I'll Make Believe" which he recorded. This was the beginning of the magic, but hard times lay ahead for Jimmy Rivers. His career has spanned the globe and reached out and touched many people along the way. Jimmy Rivers is one of the names that you think of as eternal, and his performances are fun yet exhilarating.
Rivers is a unique artist that at age 13 was a guitar player with a distinct sound. He was taken with the performances of Fats Domino and Buddy Holly, but was not old enough to have fallen into that particular era of the music spin. That, however, did not stop his R&B movement, he had his first recording debut with a band he created called the SPADES in 1956, with "Hey Little Girl", a record on the Suede Label. His music also seemed to share alot of Elvis Presley style as did his voice early on. His first successes were actually not as a recording artist, but as a composer when James Burton (guitarist and hugely successful performer), passed to Ricky Nelson "I'll Make Believe" which he recorded. This was the beginning of the magic, but hard times lay ahead for Jimmy Rivers. His career has spanned the globe and reached out and touched many people along the way. Jimmy Rivers is one of the names that you think of as eternal, and his performances are fun yet exhilarating.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sugarland Live In Concert NYC - 10/18/2010 & Live On Youtube
Sugarland Live in NYC & Streaming Live On YouTube
This was a great concert, the streaming worked exceptionally well aside from my clearwire connection having exceptionally low speed which caused some buffering "sigh"; (an update on that scenario) I was told last week that after it took that week to get my ticket input from technician, that it could take an additional two weeks before the RF engineer actually reviewed the issue and checked that tower. So we are now in that week two, so I am optimistic that this will get resolved this week. You all know how I bragged on Clear for a year now, well let's hope they don't disappoint me this time around; six weeks going on seven is a long wait for bandwidth and has put me really far behind in things I need to do. (Big SIGH).....
Now, back to the concert, it was a great concert complete with the likes of guests popping in throughout the show including - Ronnie Dunn (Brooks and Dunn (soon to be no more duo); Bon Jovi, and Little Big Town. The highlight for me was Little Big Town singing with Sugarland on "Walking In Memphis", that was the spotlight moment as far as I was concerned. I like the new "Stuck Like Glue" song, but am not so sure the other songs on the cd are going to live up to that one. The new songs that they unveiled did not have the whippy snappy beat that we have all come to associate with Sugarland, but maybe I will like them better on a second or third hearing :) I'll reserve judgement until then.
The guests were all amazing and did a top notch job, but nothing all night touched the Little Big Town/Sugarland - Walking in Memphis. The concert will be archived on youtube, so you can still check it out if you missed it Live in Person, or via Tube.
You can check out the archived video when it is available & order their new The Incredible Time Machine CD here.
This was a great concert, the streaming worked exceptionally well aside from my clearwire connection having exceptionally low speed which caused some buffering "sigh"; (an update on that scenario) I was told last week that after it took that week to get my ticket input from technician, that it could take an additional two weeks before the RF engineer actually reviewed the issue and checked that tower. So we are now in that week two, so I am optimistic that this will get resolved this week. You all know how I bragged on Clear for a year now, well let's hope they don't disappoint me this time around; six weeks going on seven is a long wait for bandwidth and has put me really far behind in things I need to do. (Big SIGH).....
Now, back to the concert, it was a great concert complete with the likes of guests popping in throughout the show including - Ronnie Dunn (Brooks and Dunn (soon to be no more duo); Bon Jovi, and Little Big Town. The highlight for me was Little Big Town singing with Sugarland on "Walking In Memphis", that was the spotlight moment as far as I was concerned. I like the new "Stuck Like Glue" song, but am not so sure the other songs on the cd are going to live up to that one. The new songs that they unveiled did not have the whippy snappy beat that we have all come to associate with Sugarland, but maybe I will like them better on a second or third hearing :) I'll reserve judgement until then.
The guests were all amazing and did a top notch job, but nothing all night touched the Little Big Town/Sugarland - Walking in Memphis. The concert will be archived on youtube, so you can still check it out if you missed it Live in Person, or via Tube.

Friday, October 15, 2010
You're Beautiful - A Must See Video
You’re Beautiful
Liu Wei, a 23 year old pianist wowed the China’s Got Talent after his “beautiful” rendition of James Blunts You’re Beautiful, what was even more beautiful was his “inner thoughts that he expressed by telling everyone they should pursue their dreams of the thing the most want”. He also concluded that he “If I can
do something someday for those who have helped me as well as others, I will do that”.
The judges were very overwhelmed with this young man, and his competition was quite good, but did not exceed the depths of Liu Wei’s inner soul.
This is one story that will both break your heart and warm it to the core of your soul.
Perhaps now sleep will come to High Heel Rose - Best Wishes to Liu - You're Beautiful.
Liu Wei, a 23 year old pianist wowed the China’s Got Talent after his “beautiful” rendition of James Blunts You’re Beautiful, what was even more beautiful was his “inner thoughts that he expressed by telling everyone they should pursue their dreams of the thing the most want”. He also concluded that he “If I can
do something someday for those who have helped me as well as others, I will do that”.
The judges were very overwhelmed with this young man, and his competition was quite good, but did not exceed the depths of Liu Wei’s inner soul.
This is one story that will both break your heart and warm it to the core of your soul.
Perhaps now sleep will come to High Heel Rose - Best Wishes to Liu - You're Beautiful.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Living Memorial That Grows - The Late Great Johnny Cash
I don't think any of us really want to be forgotten after we are deceased; and it seems very fitting and proper that the Man In Black will forever be immortalized with this new project.
It also gives closure to people that perhaps never got to say good-bye, or send a flower, or just be able to close out their thoughts on what they would have liked to say or do for him.
This project gives every one that chance. Personally, I think it is one of the neatest projects that I have seen, is entirely creative and innovative, and will be a living memorial that grows; so it's purpose is really two fold I think; expression by the fans, and a living and growing subject that will just evolve over time.
Here's your chance to express yourself.
It also gives closure to people that perhaps never got to say good-bye, or send a flower, or just be able to close out their thoughts on what they would have liked to say or do for him.
This project gives every one that chance. Personally, I think it is one of the neatest projects that I have seen, is entirely creative and innovative, and will be a living memorial that grows; so it's purpose is really two fold I think; expression by the fans, and a living and growing subject that will just evolve over time.
Here's your chance to express yourself.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Prescription Drugs That Cause Parkinson's Disease
Don't pay attention to the subscribe and all of that, just read the document that shows which prescription drugs can cause Parkinson's Disease. Including medicine's for high blood pressure (Hypertension); Epilepsy Medications; Depression Medications; Contraceptive; Nausea; Cancer Meds; Thyroid.....
Beatles VS Rolling Stones
Beatles or Rolling Stones
Is there really anyone that does not love at least one Beatles song?
Is there any woman out there that hasn't had at least one thought that was perhaps not pc about the Rolling Stones?
Well, I guess there's only one way to know......... and it's been done before, but this time you get to vote. Leave your comments below.
Beatles or the Stones -- Which is your favorite?
Is there really anyone that does not love at least one Beatles song?
Is there any woman out there that hasn't had at least one thought that was perhaps not pc about the Rolling Stones?
Well, I guess there's only one way to know......... and it's been done before, but this time you get to vote. Leave your comments below.
Beatles or the Stones -- Which is your favorite?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Special FREE Tools For Those of Us That Need Them
Text Messaging from your phone is great, but what if you want to send same text to multiple people, or say a group from work, the club, or just folks that you pass along things to regularly? It's a pain to insert those one by one. A very painless way to do just that has been created with a simple little program called "GroupME".
This service allows you to assign each group a phone number. Therefore you send a text to that number and it sends to everyone in that group. You can reply to that number and everyone will see the reply. You can also CALL the group number for an instant conference call. Users have options of leaving conversation, call, etc. DID I MENTION THIS IS ALL FREE?
http://groupme.com/ -- Just click on link and get yourself all organized with your phone. CAUTION: If you get charged for texting, use sparingly so your wallet does not suffer; but for those of us lucky enough to have unlimited texting ... text away. This service is free.
Enjoy, and oh you are saying what does this have to do with music? I'll text and let you know :)
Sweet Distraction
Sweet Distraction
Just sharing new songs for this week - Top of The Charts. Have a listen :) & Happy Friday
Matt Gary - I'm Just Sayin'
I really like this single - he seems to be getting alot of attention with this song.
Have a listen to David Adam Byrnes- Sweet Distraction
A modern day Jerry Springer Show Song - Another song about a Sleepy Town in Texas with all the Harper Valley PTA drama (leaving for a best friend; child that don't belong; rehab; lol, best said another "Chicken fried group of friends)". Jody Booth - Small Town News
Mavericks Country Member Raul Malo has gone Jazz Crazy with new Album SAINTS & SINNERS
RAUL MALO - best known for his performance with the 1990's Country Group "The Mavericks", has taken on a different singing persona, at least partially, by including Jazz and Rock n Roll into his music with this new album.
You will probably remember David Lee Holt, lead guitarist for the Mavericks. MCA Records signed the Mavericks in the fall of 1990 and released "From Hell To Pardise" and five more albums for the band during the 90's. David Lee Holt was replaced with Nick Kane. They had several songs that reached the Top 40, including "O What A Thrill" in 1994; "There Goes My Heart" reached number 20 on the charts. They received a Grammy and Country Music Association gave them Top Vocal Honors twice. Towards the end of the 90's Malo started incorporating Latin rhythms and their albums had more of a Tejano/Latino swagger, which left the country rhythm in the wind. Their last collective music shared was via their "Millennium Collection". The Mavericks stopped their band gigs in early 2001 but still remain tightly affiliated.
I really like his Living For Today Song. We are just living for today... My dog don't know his own demise, seems like pretty good advice, no more intellectual, living out there ..... we're just living for today.. I'll let you have your own listen to his songs below. Malo has connected via vocals and backup with well known names from Country Music including "Shelby Lynne", worked with Ethan Allen and K. T. Oslin producing; and did a solo recording of Bruce Springsteens' "Downbound Train". (We'll have to do a trip down memory lane with a post on Shelby and K.T. soon). Alot of credit for the new album goes to Ray Benson (Asleep at the Wheel topdog), and his Studio.
Other Blogs Of Note
Southern Santa
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It's All About the Music Here |
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Sweet Distraction |
Sweet Distraction
Just sharing new songs for this week - Top of The Charts. Have a listen :) & Happy Friday
Matt Gary - I'm Just Sayin'
I really like this single - he seems to be getting alot of attention with this song.
Have a listen to David Adam Byrnes- Sweet Distraction
A modern day Jerry Springer Show Song - Another song about a Sleepy Town in Texas with all the Harper Valley PTA drama (leaving for a best friend; child that don't belong; rehab; lol, best said another "Chicken fried group of friends)". Jody Booth - Small Town News
Mavericks Country Member Raul Malo has gone Jazz Crazy with new Album SAINTS & SINNERS
RAUL MALO - best known for his performance with the 1990's Country Group "The Mavericks", has taken on a different singing persona, at least partially, by including Jazz and Rock n Roll into his music with this new album.
You will probably remember David Lee Holt, lead guitarist for the Mavericks. MCA Records signed the Mavericks in the fall of 1990 and released "From Hell To Pardise" and five more albums for the band during the 90's. David Lee Holt was replaced with Nick Kane. They had several songs that reached the Top 40, including "O What A Thrill" in 1994; "There Goes My Heart" reached number 20 on the charts. They received a Grammy and Country Music Association gave them Top Vocal Honors twice. Towards the end of the 90's Malo started incorporating Latin rhythms and their albums had more of a Tejano/Latino swagger, which left the country rhythm in the wind. Their last collective music shared was via their "Millennium Collection". The Mavericks stopped their band gigs in early 2001 but still remain tightly affiliated.
I really like his Living For Today Song. We are just living for today... My dog don't know his own demise, seems like pretty good advice, no more intellectual, living out there ..... we're just living for today.. I'll let you have your own listen to his songs below. Malo has connected via vocals and backup with well known names from Country Music including "Shelby Lynne", worked with Ethan Allen and K. T. Oslin producing; and did a solo recording of Bruce Springsteens' "Downbound Train". (We'll have to do a trip down memory lane with a post on Shelby and K.T. soon). Alot of credit for the new album goes to Ray Benson (Asleep at the Wheel topdog), and his Studio.

Southern Santa
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Well too funny but after posting a few days that Michael Bolton should probably sing this song for Bruno, I run across a band that I do not yet know :) and guess what they were singing? Yes, You guessed correctly. You must have a listen, they do it superbly.
KISS MY COUNTRY ASS by Steve Havens & The Mad Cow Posse
and I will bid you all a good night tonight, don't forget to pray for someone that needs it (well wouldn't hurt to include Rose in that either), and tell someone that "you love them". As always share the music...
and if you need to sit a spell and chat ... join in over at the www.partycentralradio.com chat room and request your favorite or other songs.
KISS MY COUNTRY ASS by Steve Havens & The Mad Cow Posse
and I will bid you all a good night tonight, don't forget to pray for someone that needs it (well wouldn't hurt to include Rose in that either), and tell someone that "you love them". As always share the music...
and if you need to sit a spell and chat ... join in over at the www.partycentralradio.com chat room and request your favorite or other songs.
A Soldier's Christmas
I first heard this on Moby In The Morning on the Atlanta Station several years ago...
Seems befitting even though its not Christmas to go ahead and post this; am sure someone will want to read this at some point. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN AND THEIR FAMILIES.... YOU ARE APPRECIATED BY ME.
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the
room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, My daughter beside me,
angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night, A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old, Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled, Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.
"What are you doing?" I asked without fear, "Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve, You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift, Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right, I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."
"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line, That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me, I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
My Gramps died at ' Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers."
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ' Nam ', And now it is my turn and so, here I am.
I've not seen my own son in more than a while, But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag, The red, white, and blue... an American flag.
I can live through the cold and the being alone, Away from my family, my house and my home.
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet, I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another, Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..
Who stand at the front against any and all, To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."
"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright, Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."
"But isn't there something I can do, at the least, "Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done, For being away from your wife and your son."
Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret, "Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone, To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead, To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust, That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."
Seems befitting even though its not Christmas to go ahead and post this; am sure someone will want to read this at some point. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN AND THEIR FAMILIES.... YOU ARE APPRECIATED BY ME.
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the
room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, My daughter beside me,
angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night, A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old, Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled, Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.
"What are you doing?" I asked without fear, "Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve, You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift, Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right, I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."
"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line, That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me, I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
My Gramps died at ' Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers."
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ' Nam ', And now it is my turn and so, here I am.
I've not seen my own son in more than a while, But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag, The red, white, and blue... an American flag.
I can live through the cold and the being alone, Away from my family, my house and my home.
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet, I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another, Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..
Who stand at the front against any and all, To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."
"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright, Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."
"But isn't there something I can do, at the least, "Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done, For being away from your wife and your son."
Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret, "Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone, To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead, To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust, That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."
It's A Beautiful World -- Words of Wisdom
It's A Beautiful World - Dierks Bentley and Patty Griffin
You may not realize it, but
1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. You are special and unique.
8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.
11. Always remember the compliments you received.
12, Forget about the rude remarks.
13. Don't forget to dance, don't forget to pray even if you think you don't know how (he still listens); and don't be a bully, be a lover and a friend and when you think you can't get up tomorrow.....
just remember "It's A New Day, and if you Smile, the world will smile with you, if you still need to cry....
call me and i'll cry with.
Cody Robins Band - Being Next To You Great Song!
Inner Hank -- (Cody Robins Band) -- Yes has a Hank Sound and Feel !
You may not realize it, but
1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. You are special and unique.
8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.
11. Always remember the compliments you received.
12, Forget about the rude remarks.
13. Don't forget to dance, don't forget to pray even if you think you don't know how (he still listens); and don't be a bully, be a lover and a friend and when you think you can't get up tomorrow.....
just remember "It's A New Day, and if you Smile, the world will smile with you, if you still need to cry....
call me and i'll cry with.
Cody Robins Band - Being Next To You Great Song!
Inner Hank -- (Cody Robins Band) -- Yes has a Hank Sound and Feel !
Nothing's Going To Get Me Down
Awesome Song -- My New Mantra -- Nothing's Gonna Get Me Down by The Kelly J. Band
LOL, I think she was watching my days before she did this video and song.
Have a Listen to Roses In The Snow - Kelly J. Band
And it really shouldn't work but it does - Faithfully by Journey done as a country song - Faithfully by Kelly J. Band
and wow something actually went right, my embedded videos actually worked. :)
LOL, I think she was watching my days before she did this video and song.
Have a Listen to Roses In The Snow - Kelly J. Band
And it really shouldn't work but it does - Faithfully by Journey done as a country song - Faithfully by Kelly J. Band
and wow something actually went right, my embedded videos actually worked. :)
Be The Match - How You Too Can Be A Donor (No Surgery Options Now Available)
If you have not already decided to be a donor, please consider it, what better way can we help our families than to provide a gift for someone that needs it when we no longer do. In addition, there are many that need
blood; bone marrow transplants, etc. Those are two things most all can do at present. IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF SURGERY, SEE THE NO SURGERY OPTION.
Please visit "Be The Match" for more information.
BE THE MATCH (The new donor registry)
Celine Dion-My Heart Will Go On
blood; bone marrow transplants, etc. Those are two things most all can do at present. IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF SURGERY, SEE THE NO SURGERY OPTION.
Please visit "Be The Match" for more information.
BE THE MATCH (The new donor registry)
Celine Dion-My Heart Will Go On
A Beautiful Candle Snuffed Out - Dr. Gary F. Purdue
A Beautiful Candle Snuffed Out By A Drunken Driver
Dr. Gary F. Purdue
This story reminds me of the childhood song: "This Little Light of Mine"
and according to all that I read about Dr. Purdue, he certainly was a very bright shining light.
This is a story every person should read; a man that has along with his wife helped the Gladney Center for Adoption over the years by caring for 39 infants awaiting adoption (Including a set of triplets); saved countless lives at the Burn Center and been a true blessing to so many; unfortunately his life has been snuffed out and a multitude of people will suffer for the needs of such a doctor as he.
There truly are not many doctors that seem to have the capacity that I have read that this Doctor had, a seeming true zeal for life, for helping others, and an inspiration for so many. It is truly sad that his life has been taken, I guess we will never know what his last minutes were,
but I hope that those reading this will consider the true consequences of what happens when one is reckless with alcohol or other substances. Lives that should be saved get lost and the loved ones are left behind to
pick up the pieces of what is left of their life without them; and that, is no small task when everywhere you look is a reminder of "what could have been".
Please pray for this Doctor's wife and the ones that he has left behind; and pray for the one that created the cause/action; somehow I hope he will be forgiven, and to those left behind to mourn him, ultimately that
sometimes proves to be the hardest trial of all.
When A Man Loves a Woman - Michael Bolton
Links About Dr. Purdue
Read The Story In Dallas Morning News
The Dept. News
His Transplant Successes
Dr. Gary F. Purdue
This story reminds me of the childhood song: "This Little Light of Mine"
and according to all that I read about Dr. Purdue, he certainly was a very bright shining light.
This is a story every person should read; a man that has along with his wife helped the Gladney Center for Adoption over the years by caring for 39 infants awaiting adoption (Including a set of triplets); saved countless lives at the Burn Center and been a true blessing to so many; unfortunately his life has been snuffed out and a multitude of people will suffer for the needs of such a doctor as he.
There truly are not many doctors that seem to have the capacity that I have read that this Doctor had, a seeming true zeal for life, for helping others, and an inspiration for so many. It is truly sad that his life has been taken, I guess we will never know what his last minutes were,
but I hope that those reading this will consider the true consequences of what happens when one is reckless with alcohol or other substances. Lives that should be saved get lost and the loved ones are left behind to
pick up the pieces of what is left of their life without them; and that, is no small task when everywhere you look is a reminder of "what could have been".
Please pray for this Doctor's wife and the ones that he has left behind; and pray for the one that created the cause/action; somehow I hope he will be forgiven, and to those left behind to mourn him, ultimately that
sometimes proves to be the hardest trial of all.
When A Man Loves a Woman - Michael Bolton
Links About Dr. Purdue
Read The Story In Dallas Morning News
The Dept. News
His Transplant Successes
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Will Bolton Sing a Country Song Tonite To Dancing With The Stars?
Sadly Susan Boyle will not be singing on Dancing With the stars tonight due to a throat issue, and Michael Bolton will be replacing her on Dancing With The Stars. Hmmm wonder if Music is going to speak louder than words after last week's ill mannered comments from Judge Bruno.
Well let's hope Mr. Ill Manners has enough courtesy to apologize for his mean commentary last week to Bolton.
Now I am left wondering what will MB sing tonight? If it were me I'd be tempted to sing this song LOL,
R. Atkins -
but I am sure tempted as he might be, he will probably sing this:
Bolton - Said I Love You But I Lied
or this:
Go The Distance
or maybe I will get a wonderful surprise. Bolton - To Love Somebody
This will definitely be one night that HHRose is interested in Dancing With The Stars :)
Well let's hope Mr. Ill Manners has enough courtesy to apologize for his mean commentary last week to Bolton.
Now I am left wondering what will MB sing tonight? If it were me I'd be tempted to sing this song LOL,
R. Atkins -
but I am sure tempted as he might be, he will probably sing this:
Bolton - Said I Love You But I Lied
or this:
Go The Distance
or maybe I will get a wonderful surprise. Bolton - To Love Somebody
This will definitely be one night that HHRose is interested in Dancing With The Stars :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Letter From God
Well the devil obviously did not want me to post this today, not sure if blogger issue, or clearwire, and since I have been having WIMAX issues (sigh last few weeks according to Clear the tower in my area is having issues; so I have not been able to DJ either. I did want to share this song with all of you, and hopefully it will bring a happiness to your heart.
First though, have to say a huge thanks to the Southern Yankee (yep converted), LOL, another story for another day.... but this fabulous song from Teea Goans was a southern find. Also,
A huge thanks to another Jukebox Blogger KayLyne, for posting this song, (I did not find a video link).
Teea Goans - Letter From God - Letter From God
Now if I could play on the air for you I would probably include it in the following set:
George Strait - It's Not The Breaths You Take - But the moments that Take Your Breath away -
Craig Morgan - This Ain't Nothing -
Lee Brice - Love Like Crazy -
Ronan Keating - I Hope You Dance -
So today, I will have to be thankful for what I have and don't have, and keep right on taking chances and dancing.......... I Hope you All Love Like Crazy and please don't forget to dance.
(Go request your favs and chat a spell in chat room with fellow music lovers - http://www.partycentralradio.com/)
First though, have to say a huge thanks to the Southern Yankee (yep converted), LOL, another story for another day.... but this fabulous song from Teea Goans was a southern find. Also,
A huge thanks to another Jukebox Blogger KayLyne, for posting this song, (I did not find a video link).
Teea Goans - Letter From God - Letter From God
Now if I could play on the air for you I would probably include it in the following set:
George Strait - It's Not The Breaths You Take - But the moments that Take Your Breath away -
Craig Morgan - This Ain't Nothing -
Lee Brice - Love Like Crazy -
Ronan Keating - I Hope You Dance -
So today, I will have to be thankful for what I have and don't have, and keep right on taking chances and dancing.......... I Hope you All Love Like Crazy and please don't forget to dance.
(Go request your favs and chat a spell in chat room with fellow music lovers - http://www.partycentralradio.com/)
Monday, March 1, 2010
VOTE - 45th Academy of Country Music Awards
45th Academy of Country Music Awards Your votes will help determine the winner of the 2010 ACM Top New Solo Vocalist, Top New Vocal Duo and Top New Vocal Group. Please take a moment to make your selections then complete the registration form and submit your ballot. Voting will be open from February 26 at 9 a.m. ET through March 12 at 5 p.m. ET. You must be 13 years of age or older to vote and register.
Well, I am going to have a hard time choosing from the TOP NEW SOLO VOCALIST Category -- (sigh two of my favorite songs, along with one of my older favorite songs).. (Yes, the Little Black Dress song... big sigh)...
TOP NEW SOLO VOCALIST Category -- Will it be Chris Young - Luke Bryant - Jamey Johnson
TOP NEW VOCAL DUO - Steel Magnolia - Joey + Rory - Bomshel
TOP NEW VOCAL GROUP - Eli Young Band - Gloriana - The Lost Trailers
-- YOU CAN'T FUSS ABOUT THE OUTCOME "IF YOU DON'T VOTE" -- This is your chance to have your vote count.
Well, I am going to have a hard time choosing from the TOP NEW SOLO VOCALIST Category -- (sigh two of my favorite songs, along with one of my older favorite songs).. (Yes, the Little Black Dress song... big sigh)...
TOP NEW SOLO VOCALIST Category -- Will it be Chris Young - Luke Bryant - Jamey Johnson
TOP NEW VOCAL DUO - Steel Magnolia - Joey + Rory - Bomshel
TOP NEW VOCAL GROUP - Eli Young Band - Gloriana - The Lost Trailers
-- YOU CAN'T FUSS ABOUT THE OUTCOME "IF YOU DON'T VOTE" -- This is your chance to have your vote count.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Josh Thompson - Blame it on Waylon
Blame it On The OUTLAWS ---- Well I don't know who we can "thank" for this awesome newly found voice, currently on tour with Eric Church; he's down right "country". Blame it on Waylon and all those outlaws, well yee haw..... Video Link
It's Just That Way - Alan Jackson
One of my favorite Singers - Alan Jackson - Back in the Headlines & On Tour in 2010 ... with a little help from his friends.... ahhh actually his daughter.... Alan Jackson's Daughter Pens Script for His New Video
19 Year Old Mattie Jackson penned a topsy-turvy world where the moon rises in the morning and boats float down a street - kids supervising parents.... Of course dad says ..... > "I'm very proud of her," says her dad. "But I always have been no matter what she does." New video out on Feb. 22, 2010.
Check Out The Video
19 Year Old Mattie Jackson penned a topsy-turvy world where the moon rises in the morning and boats float down a street - kids supervising parents.... Of course dad says ..... > "I'm very proud of her," says her dad. "But I always have been no matter what she does." New video out on Feb. 22, 2010.
Check Out The Video
The Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame 6th Annual Gala Featuring Modern Era Inductees Rush and Robert Charlebois. Performers and Presenters to be announced in the coming weeks. Visit for cansong.ca more details.
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