Monday, November 21, 2011

Google & TOS For Android Market/Music

Well I was all excited tonight to see that Google had their Android Market up and running and free music from Pearl Jam and Shakira --- so I sign in .........  was going to add Pearl Jam and Shakira to my "google" account - and it said "Terms of Service" you must agree to and a payment window....
hmmmmm well ding ding ding ..... free music.......... need credit card ???

   So as most of you know Miss Anal read part of the TOS ............ down to the part about granting them the right to get a CREDIT REPORT ........... and further still it states something along the lines of using that to deem you worthy of keeping the service (IN ESSENCE, note I am taking leeway and liberty with the verbiage here), you can read it for yourself if you choose to, and I certainly hope you do BEFORE you AGREE to TOS and provide credit card information.

Where is Clark Howard?  He should be screaming about this on his show.  Why on earth would they need a credit report if you are buying music that you will OWN then, obviously you are not going to receive the music unless you pay (or get free unless they have a valid credit card or DEBIT CARD) ...... well I think Clark Howard should read all of that and do some advising on his show and on the radio ...........  I see where this could be a major issue, for what purpose would they need a credit card to sell you music that you have to instantly pay for?????????  That just makes no sense to me at all. 

Ok, that's my 2 cents on this subject, needless to say I won't be doing Google Music, and I am sad about that because I truly thought they would have an awesome offering, but quite frankly I don't think it is necessarily a good thing to have corporations accessing personal information that they truly have no reason to access.   This left a really bad taste in my mouth, and leaves me wondering just what the reasoning is for that. 

Off the soap box and back to my chair now.

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